Exporting & Distribution

China Plains will guide you through the hurdles to get your products on store shelves and Ecommerce sites in the markets of China

In the past when talking about business in China, US companies usually only discussed sourcing their components and parts in Chinese factories. Today, savvy US business leaders realize the market size of China is huge and growing. In many markets it is already larger than the US. This represents opportunities for US companies and their unique products. The 'Made in America' label has value in China as being high quality, unique, and above all, safe. And Chinese consumers will pay a premium for American goods and brands. Let China Plains help you tap the full potential by entering the various markets of a country with 1.3 billion consumers and a national GDP of $23.1 Trillion USD.

Entering the China market is has challenges. It is different from the US market, and requires unique skills from people who know the lay of the land. China Plains has experience in placing US products on shelves of brick and mortar stores and China's monstrous eCommerce store fronts. We know how to position products to appeal to Chinese consumers, and have the marketing partners to ensure brand appeal and distribution. The skies the limit on the markets of the China Plains for your products. 


Consulting Rate: $100/hr + 5% of value of transactions                                      

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